Successfully build a Website in 2024

The fastest and most effective way of building your own website.

Have a Plan

First of all it’s important to visualize your website. Having a plan is crucial to success. But what exactly does it mean to have a plan? Do you have a strategy? How do you sell your content? How do you get to your audience?

The most important aspect is to have a strategy. There are different marketing strategies such as the SOSTAC, SMART, PESTEL to have some kind of guideline to follow through. Without a proper plan you won’t be able to stay consistent in what you are doing, you’ll get demotivated and you’ll swim in the sea like a lost fish without a goal.


Ever heard of wireframing? Wireframing is very helpful when it comes to build an App or Website. There are 3 different levels of wireframes; low, medium and high fidelity wireframes.

Low fidelity-wireframe: Just a plain sketch on a paper or a tablet of the app or website.

Medium fidelity-wireframe: Medium wireframes will have more detail — including accurate spacing, headlines, and buttons. They might even be displayed together in a sequence called a wireflow that shows exactly how the web pages will work together.

High fidelity-wireframe: A high fidelity wireframe is a realistic prototype that closely resembles the final design of a project. It can include typography, colors, images, icons, and CTA buttons. These types of wireframes take longer than the low and medium fidelity kind which means more resources are usually allocated to complete them.

Wireframing can be achieved through applications like FigmaAdobe XD, Lucidchart and many more. It’s completely up to you which application you use to wireframe your website.

Needless to say a website does not always need all 3 levels of wireframes, if you feel confident with a low fidelity-wireframe of the website it’s already good enough.


When it comes to wireframing it’s important to consider the UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) when creating a wireframe of the website. Best practice is to follow the Gestalt principles

Keep in mind that your audience will associate the choice of colours with your website. It’s an important aspect to build brand recognition and to communicate the purpose of a website. Furthermore, having a userfriendly UI keeps users longer engaged thus the user retention goes up.

Part of a good UX is for example the minimum amount of clicks to get to a certain part of your task (yes we get lazy day by day), fast loading websites, high security, effiency and also enjoyable content.

Logo and Branding

Before we buy a domain it’s important to have the different parts of a logo in mind:

Icon or Mark

Logotype / wordmark / brandname

Tagline or slogan

For the creation of the Logo different tools such as Figma and the Adobe Creative Cloud Can be used.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Every website on the web can be SEO optimised to be found better on Google. There are different aspects to take into account when optimising a website; loading speed, enouugh content, videos and images, meta data, keywords etc.

In order to track your SEO score and get the most out of it we will later go on with the installation of RankMath for WordPress, which helps you improve it drastically.

Get a Domain

After deciding on a brandname it is time to get a Domain. There are different hosters for a domain like GoDaddy, Hostar, etc. In our case we’ll buy a domain through Hostinger. When deciding on a domain type like .com, .ch, .de, .en, etc. It is important to keep the business strategy in mind.

Will your business be local? worldwide? What is your target?

Depending on the business strategy you buy the package that is most suitable for you on Hostinger. Congrats, now you own your very own Domain and can start building your website.

You can either write everything by scratch or just use WordPress and the various plugins it offers.

Elementor and Elementor Pro

Amongst the various different choices of Plugin we will focus on the use of Elementor which is a plugin for wordPress enabling us to have wider choice of building blocks for the website. With Elementor, you have a wide aray of building blocks to create the website you have in mind with ease!

Rank Math

Get and install rank math so you can improve your SEO score to be found on Google better.


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